| Services Provided - U.S. patent filings
- U.S. patent prosecution services
- U.S. trademark filings
- U.S. trademark prosecution services
- Intellectual property enforcement services
more about Trademarks services ... | | ElevationLabElevationLab is a client that makes really cool Apple accessories and other products. Its products include the Elevation Dock for the iPhone, the NightStand for the Apple Watch, the Anchor for mounting headphones underneath a desk, and the Elevation Stand for iMac and Apple Displays. Mohr IP Law has helped ElevationLab with a host of patent and trademark matters. ElevationLab has been featured in Wired Magazine, The New York Times, Uncrate, and Daring Fireball amoung other media outlets. ElevationLab has great success securing initial funding through the crowdfunding website Kickstarter. By great success, we mean it raised $1,464,707 in approximatley 3 months. Almost 1.5 million dollars in funding greatly exceeded its initial funding goals, and it has been developing innovative products ever since. ElevationDock 2
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